
A lotus flower emerges from the murky water to bloom into the most beautiful flower……

We are living in a time that is very energetically intense. As the days move forward, you may find yourself searching….

Searching for your purpose, fulfilment and connection.

 The biggest challenge you are facing today is fitting in time for you. You have been so busy with life’s challenges and have spent more than a decade catering to the everyday activities of work, family and responsibilities; NOW it is the time for you.  Most women 35 and older are coming into a time in life where you can feel lost and out of control. This is on so many levels:


A single woman and feeling you will never find that special someone

A new mother trying to balance family and career

A mother dealing with teenagers

A new wife trying to make a home for two or three or four

A divorcee after years of marriage


Because you are unique and so is your situation, there cannot be only ONE solution.

Floating Lotus Retreats is a unique retreat that will take you on a journey, not just a path. This journey gives you the opportunity to explore your inner self and receive guidance to living a new and refreshing way of life. Our experienced, trained professionals offer insight in understanding who you are, what you stand for and how to reach your full potential. This journey is meant to be both rejuvenating and healing.

Our program will inspire you to live life to the fullest, loving yourself purely while balancing your everyday activities. This holistic approach has been developed to guide you through this process, both in group workshops and individual seasons.  The group workshops have been strategically designed to focus on personal exploration, growth, self acceptance, and positive change. There is time set aside each day for individual reflection, yoga, chakra alignment and meditation.

The use of your personal astrological chart is another unique option that Floating Lotus Retreats has introduced to this program.  Astrology is your planetary DNA that gives a deeper understanding to why you are who you are, how you interact with others and what your needs are based on the planets alignment at birth. This is a bonus in many ways and can be explored further if you choose.

The retreat locations are specifically chosen to allow you to be at one with nature, relax and reflect on the life you want to live.

Our goal here at Floating Lotus Retreats is to fill you with love and energy. Bringing the light back to you, because a happier you is a happier planet.

Join us for this revitalizing journey, of empowerment to create positivity and change in our lives.

Who are the professionals behind The Floating Lotus Retreat program and design?


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