Planetary DNA

As you explore the areas of your life’s patterns it will be important to understand that there are many aspects that make up who we are today.

Genetics: looks, mannerisms, and sometimes health.

Environment: the influences from our parents, peers, mentors, and acquaintances throughout your life as well as geographical location and defining moments.

Planetary DNA:  Pattern of the zodiac at the precise moment of birth and how they transgress through your life cycle.

While you could change your looks, consciously discard bad habits, and watch for health issues, taking measures to prevent potential health problems, and we can explain behavior through our environment and work towards altering our approach for the future; we cannot change our astrological patterns.  Thankfully so because it is through our planetary DNA that we can begin to totally understand our life’s patterns and begin to work through the difficulties, find your strengths, the love and the life you deserve.

Through the workshops you will concentrate on the environment of which you live in, past and present.  The chakras work will start the energy flowing to release the conflict or enhance the positive, and astrology will be the explanation of the patterns and how we can recognize the strengths and weaknesses within our true planetary DNA.

Our dedication to your success for a loving, healthy, and peaceful journey is paramount. The privilege to help guide, teach, and love each of you is a gift we take seriously. Floating Lotus wants to insure that you leave with all the tools you need to proceed on your life’s journey with confidence, knowing change is inevitable and good.

Remember we will always by your side and loving it!